Thursday, July 14, 2011

Canada Immigration and Autism Links

Are you asking yourself "Should we apply as immigrants to Canada if our child has autism?" Or maybe you're wondering, "Will my child's autism affect our immigration application to Canada?"

This is my honest answer:
If your dependent has autism, even high functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome , DON'T even TRY to apply for immigration. In my honest opinion. Save your money.

Why do I think so? View these articles to see how Canada immigration does not look at autistic dependents with favor, because they will use too much financial resources in Canada:

Look at these official pages:
1. this is from the Handbook for Designated Medical Practitioners(those who do the medical screening for Canada immigration applicants) - Question 16. also Section A of the IMM 1017 form. They screen for developmental delay and cognitive abilities (mental status), which are deficits in autism, in the medical exam. Remember, it is the visa officers who will compute the cost of care of your autistic child, not you. So even if you actually spend little for your dependent's therapies, they will compute how much it will cost Canada to care for your autistic child. The result=medical inadmissibility.

2. Download the handbook for yourself and see how they screen for autism and other developmental disorders in the forms and the medical exams:

I hope you will be prudent enough to withhold and stop yourself from applying to save yourself rejection and heartache and money as well. Just my opinion.